Past Members
・Mr. 岡田利祐 (B4、現在東大藤田博之研): 2009.4-2010.3
Theme: Atomosphere-compatible Pirani gauge pressure sensor by sub-micron-width deep trenches
・Mr. 馬少駿 (M1-M2、現在東大杉山研D1): 2008.4-2010.3
・Mr. 金駿亨 (M1-M2、現在LG電子): 2007.4-2009.3
Theme: Curvuature-controllable MEMS electrode for neuron activity measurement
・Mr. 今井義明 (B4-M2): 2006.4-2009.3
Theme: Polarization-sensitive photodetector by sub-micron-width deep trenches
・Mr. 浜口洋平 (M1-M2): 2006.4-2008.3
Theme: Vertical Surface Profilometer using fibre optical detection scheme.
・Mr. 廣瀬健一郎 (B4(-M2)):2005.4-2006.3 (-2008.3)
Theme 1: Vertical wall P-N Junction for highly-efficient photovoltaic cells
Theme 2: Vertical Surface Controlled 3-D lithography
Theme 3: Peeled-off silicon polarizer with photovoltaic cell for enervey-recovery in LCD application
・Mr. 原田智弘 (B4): 2005.4-2006.3
Theme 1: As-deposition lithography test structure for new materials and application to organic transistor.
・Mr. シーサムラーヌサックダー (B4-M2): 2004.4-2007.3
Theme: Bendable 0.15μm FD SOI devices by Silicon-on-PDMS technology
・Mr. 松山智弘 (M1-M2): 2005.4-2007.3
Theme: Integration of HV switch to Arrayed Microactuator
・Dr. ベンジャミンカイヤー(France) (Post-Doc): 2004.10-2005.9
Theme: Arrayed Microactuator Reliability Measurement by Driving Charge Measurement
・Dr. 小林大輔 (B4-D3): 200.10-2006.3
Theme: Magnetic Microscopy by non-magnetic Material by MicroSpires.